


會考成績:26分 中文:level 3 英文:level4 Chem:A Bio:A Math:B CIT(電腦與資訊科技):A Phy:B 如果高考: UE:C Chi:D Bio:A Chem:A Math&Stat:A CA:A dental/medicine有冇可能(cu/hku)? 如果唔得,將來上大學仲有咩科係可以入到(只須列出最高salary的首2科)? 請連同數據說明之. 更新: 咁如果高考: UE:D Chi:E Bio:A Chem:A Math&Stat:B CA:B 呢? 入唔入到牙醫,什至醫生???


根據你提供的資料, 如果你估計A level 有4個A, 相信選擇dental/medicine都沒有問題. 另外以下是政府部門具備大學學位要求的職位, 現只列出部份與你A level 有修讀的相關科目, 相關職位的名稱及起薪點如下 (全部都是總薪級表的薪酬) : (1) 牙科醫生 : 30點 ==> $42,175 (2) 藥劑師 : 27點 ==> $36,740 (3) 統計師 : 27點 ==> $36,740 (4) 化驗師 : 27點 ==> $36,740 (5) 獸醫師 : 29點 ==> $40,290 (6) 庫務會計師 : 30點 ==> $42,175 **本人是現職公務員, 如果還有其他相關問題, 歡迎隨時來信發問. 2009-03-02 23:40:30 補充: 中大醫學的要求 : Grade E or above in AS Chin Lang & Culture + Grade D or above in AS UE + Grade E or above in AL Chemistry + Grade E or above in 2 AL / 1 AL + 2 AS subjects (3 science subjects including Chemistry) 2009-03-02 23:41:25 補充: 港大牙醫學士的要求 : Grade E or above in either 2 AL subjects or 1 AL + 2 AS subjects from the following: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Pure Maths, Applied Maths, and Maths & Statistics 2009-03-02 23:42:37 補充: 港大內外全科醫學士的要求 : Grade E or above in either 3 AL subjects or the equivalent of 6 AS subjects in either of the following combinations: 2009-03-02 23:43:08 補充: (i) Chemistry, and the remainder from the following: Physics, Biology, Pure Maths, Applied Maths, and Maths & Statistics or 2009-03-02 23:43:22 補充: (ii) Chemistry, and the remainder from the following: Physics, Biology, Pure Maths, Applied Maths, and Maths & Statistics + any other subject(s) equivalent to not more than 2 AS subjects 2009-03-02 23:43:58 補充: 上述資料來源 : 大學聯招 2009-03-02 23:44:08 補充: 現階段希望你可以做足一切準備功夫, 為這兩個月的高考考取好成績, 將來的路便可以更容易跨越.





家境不好,全家靠我,唔到我考慮興趣, 再加上我除左商科同數學特別唔鐘意之外, 其他都冇咩所謂, 最緊要係要先解決左 "$能夠解決到的問題先"! 2009-03-02 19:58:29 補充: 特別多謝chungkc1988的專業回答 希望你能幫忙解答埋 "2009-03-02 19:50:58" 的補充|||||薪金幾多我就唔係好清楚, 不過唔建議你以LEE個作選科標準( 應考慮興趣 ) 有一點肯定嘅係: 如果你AL真係攞到4A嘅話基本上咩科都入到. ( 除非你冇讀佢要求嘅科 ) 所以都係嗰句: 加油!!!

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