I want to love a girl,but I am a girl...
I am a girl,I love a girl...I know she love me,what should I do?
WHY NOT............. But first I believe that you are just around 10~14, at the age of purbety, you are looking for a new set of life aheading your future......... First Question.....do you both love each other...?? do both of you know this matter..?? IF all yes....you may go and try it, but in the age of purbety, sexual feeling are rare and confuse to you, I don't mind you two go to LOVE each other, BE SURE that you and your partner take care of your classwork and study, do not use too much time to talk about LOVE at this age...... Second Question.... do you and your partner's parents know about this matter..?? this is a tricky part of your relationship, since parent will expect you will find a good boy to love after your education, and get marry and have babies later on......don't break their hearts, unless you are very sure your parents will accept you and your partner are in love with each others............. Third Question.......how about your friends around you both...?? do they have any commends....?? OR you may ignore it, but what about the society, since lesbrian, and gay are still not well accepted by the society, and both of you may be discriminate (歧視) by some other people (but not me).....can you accept that kind of social pressure....??? What should you Do...??? Be a good girl, study hard, love your partner, get more friends, both boys and girls, and try to clear you mind that you are just a normal girl, will love a boy.......or go on loving your partner if you are mature enough to know what is LOVE........ 2007-07-10 11:20:19 補充: I'm not a japanese girl......just a man old enough to be your father.....
I think you should't know youself love boy or girl?|||||don't forget that you are a girl do you know what is love you should very clear that you are a girl they say love you that means you want to be a friend with you|||||frist did your dad and mum know or they are agree????? If they don't know I think you have to tell they or think to love a boy! are you gay?????????????did you want to do love??? OR ASK YOUR TEACHER ! JUST SAY YOUR FRIEND AND YOUR FRIEND DO NOT SAY YOU!!!|||||You are a girl, you cannot love girls!! On the other hand, you should find a male to love! Besides, none of your girl girls will love you and build up this kind of strange relationship with you. If you really love girls, you better visit a doctor immediately. Hope you can be recoverred shortly................|||||You should very clear what is the meaning of love. I love lots of girls, which doesn't meant that I want all of them to be my GF. In addition, I also love boy, that doesn't mean I am gay. You will find that some girl is very good with you. It is because she is also a girl, she must know your situtation. but becareful, that doesn't meant that you two having that relationship