let or let's
let & let's what is different?
THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT THE SAME. SIMPLY ONE IS JUST 'LET' AND ONE IS 'LET US', HOW COULD THEY BE THE SAME??????? Tina's mom does not let her go to the movie tonight. Tina 的媽媽不準她今晚去看電影. How can you say, 'Tina's mom does not let's her go to the movie tonight.'? It is absolutely senseless. YOU KNOW THAT 'LET HIM TO SOMETHING' IS 讓他做一些事 'LET'S DO SOMETHING' IS 讓我們做一些事 IT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT, HOW CAN YOU SAY IT'S THE SAME????? 2008-08-18 21:42:05 補充: By the way, it's a APOSTROPHE, not a COMMA. 2008-08-18 21:43:08 補充: AN APOSTROPHE!
hi in fact they are the same but write in difference only. e.g. Let him do something. u can use {let and him together} e.g. Let,s do something = Let us do something. {let,s = let us} they are the same.|||||let means 令....let's means let us(不如一齊)