

Runescape??? 5questions only!!


1.where can I find Rimmington crafting store and what is the symbol of it??2.where can I fish lobster??3.How many gp do a lobster usually sell at ??4.What is the difference between different material??Kill things more faster??5.What is the level od Delrith??What level am I is suitable or can fight with... 顯示更多 1.where can I find Rimmington crafting store and what is the symbol of it?? 2.where can I fish lobster?? 3.How many gp do a lobster usually sell at ?? 4.What is the difference between different material??Kill things more faster?? 5.What is the level od Delrith??What level am I is suitable or can fight with it?? THX~~~~~~~~~~ 更新: The question 5 is:What is the level of Delrith??What level am I is suitable or can fight with it??


1. 圖片參考: 圖一?crafting shop logo 圖片參考: 圖二? Rimmington crafting shop 位置 這兒如果你做過Witch’potion quest的話你應該就大概記得響邊啦~~~~ 2. Cage lobsters 要去Karamja Island,要俾30gp搭船去,依下圖指示好易搵到路去。 圖片參考: 圖三?cage lobsters 的位置 3. lobsters 響 general store賣的話最高150gp,最低60gp,而賣給players就100-200gp each,150gp最常見。 4. 唔太清楚我有冇理解錯條題目,而且我的答案只局限於f2p,sorry~~ ?leather items → for range ?armour → bronze → iron → steel → mithril (mith) → adamant (addy) → rune ?還有mage專用的mage items (wizard hats...) 當然係bronze weapons 在attack (atk), strength (str) 及 defense (def) 方面都較差,如此類推,到rune 最好,但係你的level亦好重要。 你殺野速度的快慢取決於你的atk 同str level,高atk 應該係你打對手時得到“0”的次數減少 (小妹並不精於cb,這兒只是我的想法,若有錯誤請各高手指正,tyvm~~~),至於高str 你的hitpoint (打傷對手的程度)會較大,傷人程度越重,咁對手自然快瓜d啦! 建議你升def 到lvl 40 - 50就夠 (係一個玩開runescape 兼頗常pl{ing的朋友的建議,在此多謝佢~~^^),atk 同埋 str就一直去啦,一直升啦! 5. Delrith (Demon Slayer) 的lvl是... 唔記得左,十o靚廿幾差不多咁上下掛,好易殺o者,我去kill佢那時只不過cb 15左右掛好似,一劍 (一定要用Silverlight) 瓜既佢,對那時的我來說反而係佢附近的wizard煩o者~~~ lol 記住記清楚個incantation先唔洗waste time kill多佢一次。Wish you good luck!!





1.In the entrance of rimmington,u can see a fame which have some onion on it. THE CRAFTING GUILD JUST NW OF THE FAME.(Require:40 crafting) The crafting guild do not have any special symbol,but there are mining and sink,etc. 2.Karamja.U can go there by boat in the Port Sarim,just south of Falador. 3.raw:20~100gp,cooked:200~300gp 4.Not at all.The power will stronger(It mean u can hit more at once),and reduce the times of the attack "miss"(mean hit=0) 5.only 27lvl.also only 7 hitpoint of it life(mean u attack it by the hit of 7 and it died). 25 lvl should be enough.(*After it died,u need to choose some word,the order should be: up to down.But I dont know it is wrong or not...)|||||2)Karmaja 有得釣! 3)通常200-300 gp each, 去1500人以上的world , 去Varrock west bank有人會買 5)Level 83, 最好帶 lobster and sowrdfish 去補血, 你也可以ranging|||||2.lobster can't hish , but u can caght it at banana island lobster is cost 10--200gp (sell it to players) 2007-01-02 20:07:15 補充: my account name is leaovhpang2

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