大家俾下意見丫!! make up base
我想轉支make up base,,之前用開shu uemura果隻泡泡,,效果都幾好! 不過e+用晒想試下其他新野.... 我T字位容易出油,同埋皮膚比較紅 所以base要搵有潤色既,,綠色or膚色 咩牌子較清爽同遮瑕功能強d架??? chanel果隻ok唔ok呢? thank you!!! 更新: 我朋友介紹我用RMK既BASE,,邊隻好D呢? 其實我都用緊RMK既Foundation THANKS!!
Chanel make up base is a good choice. It provides good protection against UV lights. But don't make it thick or it'll give you a heavy look after applying foundation. Other choices: Biotherm -- there are different colours for different skin types. I have the yellow one since it can cover my dark eye circles and spots on face. Even if i don't apply foundation over it, the skin looks bright and good. You may try the green one for your red skin. Covermark brightening make up base -- really brightening and can keep make up long.
我用緊BIOTHERM 新出既黃色BASE, 佢不但令你膚色改善, 黃色base 仲可以蓋埋黑眼圈.....(HK$290*10%off) 改善左膚色之餘, 又有防曬, 又有隔離作用, 咁就好正...又唔會覺你化妝 佢都有白,綠,粉紅色, 你去counter試下啦..|||||選用合適的妝前底霜,特別在夏季,皮膚很容易因缺水而大量分泌油分,這時候,你可以選用一些高水分及具控油功效的產品,例如剛於三月抵港的Maquillage粉底系列中的控油妝前底霜SPF10 PA+,這款精華液狀的妝前底霜,含有吸油粉末及油脂感應粉末,可預防皮膚因油脂而脫落,而且,它能覆蓋面部紋理和毛孔,令粉底效果更均勻貼服。