pokemon diamond
1. How to catch eevee (pokedex No.133)?2. Is there better way to catch Carnivine (no.455) ?3. What is " "# " ?4. How to get an Azure Flute ?5. How to get a Member Card ?6. In " http://pokemon.aucy.com/nds/pokemon.php?sn=209&ver=eng&map=1 ", what does... 顯示更多 1. How to catch eevee (pokedex No.133)? 2. Is there better way to catch Carnivine (no.455) ? 3. What is " "# " ? 4. How to get an Azure Flute ? 5. How to get a Member Card ? 6. In " http://pokemon.aucy.com/nds/pokemon.php?sn=209&ver=eng&map=1 ", what does ' 量 ' means ? 7. How can I get five stars on my trainer card? 更新: 8. Can I get A. Giratini (No.487) B. Rayquaza C.groudon D.kyogre E.celebi F.Deoxys G.Jirachi H.palkia I .rotom J.Absol in Pokemon diamond? (I'm busy with the numbers, tipe their names in http://pokemon.aucy.com/nds/pokemon.php?n=487&ver=eng&map=1.) 更新 2: please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!help. B. Rayquaza no384 C.groudon no383 D.kyogre no382 E.celebi no251 F.Deoxys no386 G.Jirachi no385 H.palkia no484 I .rotom no479 J.Absol no359 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
你唔比no. 好難幫你lo=.= 2010-05-20 21:08:11 補充: 1. 全國圖鑑入手後,鬼場館戈度既PM中心旁既民居, 個女仔會比個你,身上要有位(只可拎5隻PM去)。 之後捉百變怪生多幾隻啦!! 另外,仲可以去鬼場館下既212路大屋, 問下屋主(入去之後右邊間房),答兩次"是", 睇下有冇eevee,佢話係就去屋後草地搵(5%), 一日可以問一次,唔問就日日都係戈隻PM。 2. 冇,只可以去捕獵場捉。 3. 唔知問咩= = 4&5. 冇 ,除非用金手指 6. 大量出現, 201路右邊,博士研究所下面間大民居(副主角家), 問個女仔可以知道今日係邊到有咩PM大量出現,日日唔同。 7. 1. Beat the Elite Four. 2. Win a Master Rank Super Contest 3. Win 100 battles in Battle Tower in a row 4. Capture 50 Flags in the Underground 5. Capture all 490 Pokemon 8. A. Giratini 全國圖鑑入手後,去214路會多佐個地方,入去個洞口有得捉。 但係戈度好奇怪,成日唔知去佐邊,掉頭又會出返去一入泥個地方。 慢慢找la~~~ B. Rayquaza no384冇 C.groudon no383冇 D.kyogre no382冇 E.celebi no251冇 F.Deoxys no386冇 G.Jirachi no385冇 H.palkia no484diamond冇 I .rotom no479 全國圖鑑入手後,20:00~04:00去205路既森林鬼屋, 同草系館主對話後,上二樓既TV,調查之下現身。 J.Absol no359 213路,大量出現