我想問一些關於移民後到美國的問題, 我的美國移民簽證已批, 但我報到後想再回香港 1) 第1次到美國報到後,有什麼證件/文件要申請的嗎? 如要,要到那裡申請? 2) 沒有回美證的話, 是半年/1年內要回美國一次? 3) 社會保證卡是什麼? 要第一次報到時去申請嗎? 更新: 補充1 :我還沒有GREEN CARD, 所以有部份答案不是我需要的 補充2 :我第1次報到後10就要回香港, 夠時間申請嗎? 補充3 :我可以之後才去申請社會保證卡嗎?
1. you need to apply the social security card 社會卡( the work tax ID ). you can check the phone book to see any local social security office near you. bring your passport with you while filing. ---- it is free of charge and it is very simple and easy. 2. without re-entry premit 回美證, you can stay outside NO more than 360 days. with the 回美證, you can legally stay outside NO more than 2 years. 補充2, sure, it takes about an hour included waitting time, the SS card will then mail to you in couple weeks. 補充3, yes, you can, but then just not so converience if you need to open a bank account, dealing with money or legal matters in USA......
1. After you landed in U.S. soil there have 2 things you must to do 1. GREEN CARD usually all the procedure have to be done in customs, they will stamp a set of numbers on your passport which is your future GREEN CARD numbers shown on the card.Normally you will receive it within a month depend on which state are you stay, the address you reported to customs that green card will mail to there. Any more informations log on to www.uscis.gov 2. As my knowledge to understand that GREEN CARD holder must return from foreign country within 180 days. (without re-entry permit) 3. SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, you have to apply for it as soon as possible in the local social security office they will allocate a set of numbers like this 123-45-6789 to you this is a document that when you file tax return, get a job, open bank account or do business with government etc., especially when you get the retire benefits. If you have any questions log on to www.ssa.gov Both GREED CARD and SOCIAL SECURITY CARD are very important documents you should keep it safely.|||||hi... 1. after u landed to the US airport, the custom officer will give u some forms to complete, which is about ur US greencard. normally u will get ur US greencard within 1 yr while u are staying in USA. 2. affter u get ur US greencard, u can use it as ur US visa to enter USA. but u cannot leave USA more than 1 yr. however, u also can apply the 回美證 before u leave USA, this 回美證 can let u stay outside USA up to 2 yrs. BUT U NEED TO COME BACK USA BEFORE THE 回美證 EXPIRED. 3. 社會保證卡 (called as Social Security Card, SSC), same kind of ur HKID card, u need this to get job or something else with US gov't. u can get this while u are waiting for ur US greencard, but it would take long time. I took my SSC after getting my US greencard, faster a lot. takecare.|||||1. Technically, none as: a. Your Permanent Resident card will be issued to your address last reported. b. Your Social Security Number and card will be process for you (if you choose to do so as it is a default choie) and mail to the same address. In practice (the reality), if you are planning to depart the U.S. for more than 6 months. You must apply re-entry permit. Also, due to the living style in the U.S., people will apply a driver license (which can be used as an ID) in their local Motor Vehicle Department. 2. 6 months is the right answer. 3. Basically, it is a card that has a 9-digit number on it. It is similar to your HKID number. Your whole life will use this number to identify yourself. If you did not indicate when you report that you want CBP to do that for you, you will need to go to your local Social Security office to request one.