列步驟1.The sum of three consecutive integer is 45.What are three numbers?2a.Mandy put £1500 a British bank at an interest rate of 6%p.a.How much will the interest be after 2 years?b.After Mandy has put £1500 in the bank,if the interest rate is the same,how long does she take to get £450 interest?c.Ricky put... 顯示更多 列步驟 1.The sum of three consecutive integer is 45.What are three numbers? 2a.Mandy put £1500 a British bank at an interest rate of 6%p.a.How much will the interest be after 2 years? b.After Mandy has put £1500 in the bank,if the interest rate is the same,how long does she take to get £450 interest? c.Ricky put his money in a bank for 3 years.If the interest rate is 6%p.a.,he can get £360 interest.How much did he put in the bank? 更新: 笰1條要用方程式
1. 14,15,16 because : 14+15+16=45 2.a1500X6%X2 = 180 b 1500X 6%X Y= 450 Y = 5 c Z X 6% X 3 = 360 Z = 2000
功課自己做啦= =... 第1題.你知唔知什麼是consecutive integer..查字典..我諗小6唔會唔識.. 第2abc 題原理一樣..首先你知唔知呢d點計先.. 舉例2a...interest係利息..唔包括個本金(我識英文only唔知係唔係咁叫)1500 咁一年利率係6%..就將1500x6%x2 x2係因為佢要2年.. 得出黎2年之後既利息係有£180 bc 既原理同上面一樣..只係倒轉問你另一個數... 條式係 存既幾多$ x利率 x年數=interest 咁b 問幾多年...c存幾多.. 唔好話唔識啦...要動動腦6A560DB6A1464DEC