下面有個關於交通運輸或貿易方面的英文段落但是介系詞太多不知道如何拼湊起來可以煩請英文不錯 或是交通管裡(運輸)方面的高手解救一下不強迫逐字翻 可以讓我了解這段話就好了(**勿用線上翻譯軟體翻火星文** )Traffic folks, the ones who negotiate rates, benefit from this approach. There are advantages to looking at the big business picture, rather than focusing exclusively lane-by-lane on points per... 顯示更多 下面有個關於交通運輸或貿易方面的英文段落 但是介系詞太多不知道如何拼湊起來 可以煩請英文不錯 或是交通管裡(運輸)方面的高手解救一下 不強迫逐字翻 可以讓我了解這段話就好了(**勿用線上翻譯軟體翻火星文** ) Traffic folks, the ones who negotiate rates, benefit from this approach. There are advantages to looking at the big business picture, rather than focusing exclusively lane-by-lane on points per hundredweight mile. Its as important to know what shipping capabilities to negotiate for as it is to negotiate the rates. Nonoptirnizing heuristic methods are easily explained and can he fast, but in our prototypic experience, their performance and reliability depended upon assumptions we cannot make about our costs, orders, or trucks. Even if we build good schedules with heuristics, we have little confidence that heuristics will reliably, globally exploit the opportunities these schedules offer. 更新: 恩恩 真的打錯了 應該是nonoptimizing(非最佳化!?) 先感謝下雞蛋1/2 翻譯 大致看起來蠻順^^
Traffic folks, the ones who negotiate rates, benefit from this approach. There are advantages to looking at the big business picture, rather than focusing exclusively lane-by-lane on points per hundredweight mile. 管運輸的人, 他應處理的是商議費率及利潤. 從整體性的業務來考量, 找出有利之處. 這樣勝過只專注在, 某特定的航線上, 斤斤計較每100噸/英哩的營運來的重要許多. Its as important to know what shipping capabilities to negotiate for as it is to negotiate the rates. 它的重要性不亞於從了解運輸能量來做運費的議價. Nonoptirnizing heuristic methods are easily explained and can he fast, but in our prototypic experience, their performance and reliability depended upon assumptions we cannot make about our costs, orders, or trucks. Nonoptirnizing heuristic methods(不是拼錯Nonoptirnizing就當它是專用名詞吧) (我就當它是專有名詞) 啟發式Nonoptirnizing方法可以簡單用來詮釋及他之所以能快的原因, 但按照我們舊有的經驗, 他們的表現及可靠程度取決於某些假設條件-我們無法估算的成本, 訂單, 或卡車. Even if we build good schedules with heuristics, we have little confidence that heuristics will reliably, globally exploit the opportunities these schedules offer. 縱使我們依照啟發式理論來做好完整的營運時間表, 並用它來作為開拓全球營運的可行性, 我們也對啟發式理論的可靠程度缺少信心.
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交通人士稱,誰的談判率,受益於這種辦法。有優勢,希望在大企業圖片,而不是把重點完全車道的車道上分英里每英擔。它作為重要的是知道什麼運輸能力進行談判,因為這是談判的費率。 Nonoptirnizing啟發式方法很容易解釋,他能很快,但在我們的原型的經驗,其性能和可靠性取決於假設,我們不能對我們的成本,命令或卡車。即使我們建立良好的時間表 與啟發式,我們有沒有信心啟發式將可靠,利用全球的機會,這些附表提供。 ---------------------------------- Nonoptirnizing(我覺得這是牌子) 可以了 還有問題再問我....|||||交易夥計,談判率的那個,從這種方法的好處。 有好處對看大笔生意圖片,而不是完全集中車道由車道于點每重量單位英里。 它一样重要知道什麼運輸能力作為它的談判是談判率。 Nonoptirnizing启发性方法容易地解釋並且可能他齋戒,但是在我們的樣本经验,他們的表現和信度取决于我們不可能做關於我們的費用的假定,命令或者卡車。 即使我們建立好日程表啟發法,我們有可靠啟發法意志,全球性地利用機會這些日程表提議的一点信心。C0467E6CBA27A574