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有沒有人可以幫我核對一下翻譯對不對呀@@\"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------您好Hello很高興接到你的回信Thanks for your mail.我們現在迫切的需要購買1組1854/08We craves to buy a set of water screen(1854/08)1組的1856/08重量約為幾公斤?How many kilograms is a group of 1856/08 of the weight... 顯示更多 有沒有人可以幫我核對一下翻譯對不對呀@@\" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 您好 Hello 很高興接到你的回信 Thanks for your mail. 我們現在迫切的需要購買1組1854/08 We craves to buy a set of water screen(1854/08) 1組的1856/08重量約為幾公斤? How many kilograms is a group of 1856/08 of the weight about? 能否先跟我回報空運的價格,還有需要多久的運輸時間? we want to make clear that how long and how much it is to Taiwan by air freight 關於技術上的問題,我們再以mail方式來尋求你們的協助 The question about technology, we come to seek your assistance by way of mail 非常的感謝您 Thank and regards. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
您好Hello! [ok]很高興接到你的回信Thanks for your mail. [ok]我們現在迫切的需要購買1組1854/08We craves to buy a set of water screen(1854/08)We need to buy a set of water screen (1854/08) urgently.[基本上原句可以,可以懂意思。但crave這個字用於「渴望」的意思較多,可改用need...urgently, 意思比較明確。另外,括弧必須用半形,不然國外電腦解出來,會變成亂碼。]1組的1856/08重量約為幾公斤?How many kilograms is a group of 1856/08 of the weight about? How many kilograms does a set of 1856/08 weigh approximately?[改由以上句型表達,比較明確。]能否先跟我回報空運的價格,還有需要多久的運輸時間?we want to make clear that how long and how much it is to Taiwan by air freightPlease advise how much the airfreight costs and how long it takes for it to arrive in Taiwan.關於技術上的問題,我們再以mail方式來尋求你們的協助The question about technology, we come to seek your assistance by way of mail For technical supports, we will ask for your assistance by mail.[技術問題,一般都稱之為「技術支援」問題,故用technical supports即可。]非常的感謝您Thank and regards.Thanks and regards.[Thanks = Thank you.]
您好 Hello, 很高興接到你的回信 We are glad to receive your reply. 我們現在迫切的需要購買1組1854/08 We are anxious to purchase a set of water screen(item no.: 1854/08) 1組的1856/08重量約為幾公斤? Please advise us the total weight (in kilogram) of the set of item 1856/08. 能否先跟我回報空運的價格,還有需要多久的運輸時間? Kindly inform us the airfreight and the transportationt time from (loading place) to Taiwan. 關於技術上的問題,我們再以mail方式來尋求你們的協助 Regarding any technical problem, we shall consult your assistance by mail. (or) If there is any technical problem, we will ask for your assistance by separate mail. 非常的感謝您 Thank and regards. 一般商業書信最好不要用"我",而要用"我們"。請記住當書寫商業書信時,要注意三點:clear (易懂的,清楚的), consistent (前後文一致的), 及 precise (明確的)。有時用簡單的英文單字能表達清楚,就用簡單的單字就好了。 希望對你有幫助。C0467E6CBA27A574