(5分 - 刊登1天) 中文翻譯英文, 千其唔好用翻譯機
我個人自己意見向你說,你這樣行動的做法是過於早了, 因為你現時判定是不凖確的, 以我經驗看來,你們非常頻密發生的是定單送貨期延遲 並不是常規性所導致,而是存在很多的其他的因素, 我亦明白每個國家的生產部是具有一定的獨特性格, 且都是能夠反影他們的生產效率、人力安排、工人之間的協調性 等, 最後,感激您 仔細的解釋。
樓上譯得好好了 圖片參考:http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/ugc/rte/smiley_3.gif 我個人自己意見向你說,你這樣行動的做法是過於早了, 因為你現時判定是不凖確的 As my point of view, what you have done is too early,, it is because you judege now is not accurate. 以我經驗看來,你們非常頻密發生的是定單送貨期延遲 並不是常規性所導致,而是存在很多的其他的因素 From my experience, the shipment date of your orders are often late. It is not due to a common practice, just because of many reasons in other aspects. 我亦明白每個國家的生產部是具有一定的獨特性格, 且都是能夠反影他們的生產效率、人力安排、工人之間的協調性 等 I agree that the production department in every countries must have their unique characters, these are reflected by the productivity, human resources arrangement and coordination among the workers.
其怪有tommy...名義連續去投同一回答者,不知是否同一人? (雖然我亦揀選了該回答者,不過要公平D啊!!!!!!!!)|||||高低立見, 勇氣可嘉。 A really good attempt, especially when you have to deal with the clumsiness of the source text first. When we write in English, accuracy in grammar comes first. If we are unable to put our ideas clearly and coherently in words, at least be correct grammatically.|||||I'll tell you what I think. I think you may be acting too soon. At this point of time, you may not have sufficient information to make a wise judgement. As I see it, your seem to have constantly failed to keep the delivery schedule. It could not be a matter of habit, but a problem that reflects flaws in various aspects. I understand that the production departments in different countries have their own ways of doing things. Such a way of doing things will give hints on, among other things, their efficiency, human resources management and degree of coordination.CAAD3F79AE16AF09