




我地2個男仔去歐洲畢業旅行, 6月12日到巴黎, 7月4日由羅馬返香港. 共22日行程如下:預計停巴黎2-3日, 因有另外3位朋友同遊巴黎, 之後分開玩跟住我地2個會去德國柏林和漢堡, 玩2-3日, (如不夠時間, 會skip漢堡)之後去東歐:波蘭華沙和克拉科夫3日捷克布拉格2日匈牙利布達佩斯2日(如不夠時間, 會 skip 波蘭 or 匈牙利)跟住去奧地利維也納和薩爾斯堡3日, 打算利用薩爾斯堡串遊慕尼黑, 可加至4日跟住會去意大利:威尼斯1日米蘭1日佛羅倫斯1日羅馬1日(如時間不夠, 會將米蘭和佛羅倫斯放在同一日)共22最後由羅馬返香港住宿:在巴黎4間 Youth Hoestel... 顯示更多 我地2個男仔去歐洲畢業旅行, 6月12日到巴黎, 7月4日由羅馬返香港. 共22日 行程如下: 預計停巴黎2-3日, 因有另外3位朋友同遊巴黎, 之後分開玩 跟住我地2個會去德國柏林和漢堡, 玩2-3日, (如不夠時間, 會skip漢堡) 之後去東歐: 波蘭華沙和克拉科夫3日 捷克布拉格2日 匈牙利布達佩斯2日 (如不夠時間, 會 skip 波蘭 or 匈牙利) 跟住去奧地利維也納和薩爾斯堡3日, 打算利用薩爾斯堡串遊慕尼黑, 可加至4日 跟住會去意大利: 威尼斯1日 米蘭1日 佛羅倫斯1日 羅馬1日 (如時間不夠, 會將米蘭和佛羅倫斯放在同一日) 共22 最後由羅馬返香港 住宿: 在巴黎4間 Youth Hoestel 邊間較好和較接近市內景點? 東歐的路線應該點行? 最後要接到維也納 希望各位俾啲意見 更新: Oh, Henry, thank you for you opinion, but I need to leave from 羅馬, had booked airticket 更新 2: 巴黎去柏林, can I take the overnight train for this part? 更新 3: Youth Hostel in Paris, I only find 4: Paris - Cité des Sciences Paris - Jules Ferry Paris - Le d'Artagnan Paris Clichy which one is Jaures? 更新 4: If Youth Hostels in Paris are full, is there other choice, (close to center of City and cheap) If I buy 東歐EuRail Pass and 歐洲自選3國(France, German and Italy)火車證, when I go from Berlin to Prague, which one pass should I use? can I use 東歐EuRail Pass when I get on the train in Berlin? 更新 5: 更改行程(cut few cities) Choice 1 (6/12)巴黎2-3日, 德國柏林2日, 東歐: 波蘭華沙和克拉科夫3日 捷克布拉格3日 跟住去奧地利維也納和薩爾斯堡3日 跟住會去意大利: 威尼斯+佛羅倫斯2日 羅馬2日 共stay cities 18日 (如有多時間會去埋布達佩斯or慕尼黑) 最後一日(7/4)中午由羅馬返香港 更新 6: Choice 2 (cut 波蘭, add 布達佩斯 and 慕尼黑) (6/12)巴黎2-3日, 德國柏林2日, 東歐: 捷克布拉格3日 匈牙利布達佩斯2日 跟住去奧地利維也納和薩爾斯堡3日 慕尼黑 1 日 跟住會去意大利: 威尼斯+佛羅倫斯2日 羅馬2日 共stay cities 18日 (如有多時間會由慕尼黑去埋富森and奧地利Innsbruck) 最後一日(7/4)中午由羅馬返香港 更新 7: Oh thanks goonk17, your suggestion is also good. I may use your suggestion in choice 1. 更新 8: Will it be better for me to fly to Stuttgart (cheaper flight ticket from Paris), 洛頓堡 慕尼克 薩爾斯堡 維也納 布達佩斯 布拉格 then go to Berlin ? then take flight from Berlin to Venice (cheap flight as well)


I agree with Henry - it's just a few too many places for 22 days. And the cities are quite far away from each other so transportation would take up most of the time. I did a 3 week trip from Finland(Helsinki) to France(Paris) through Estonia(Tallinn), Poland(Warsaw), Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Salzburg, Switzerland (Lausanne and Geneve) and finally Paris. I spent about 2 days in each place (in total 11 cities) and it was pretty rushed - I had no choice coz I had to be back at work. Anyways back to your question - I would skip Hamburg since there's not much to see there. I would also skip Warsaw because it really is an empty city that's been rebuilt after WWII. It's a business centre so there's nothing much for tourists. I would suggest a few more days in Krakow because it's meant to be really pretty and much more enjoyable, according to my Polish friend at work. Vienna was a bit boring as well unless if you go to concerts. I did Vienna in one day and found it too boring then went on to Salzburg the next day. A very very beautiful town where you can see the Swiss Alps almost everywhere. Very quiet also. Budapest is a bit out of the way I think. Prague to Budapest is 9 hrs train at least. You can take a night train though... I don't think you'd have time for Munich if you're going to the main 3 in Italy. I know it's on the way but it would just be too rushed. So let's see if we can come up with something here - Paris (3 days) - Berlin (3 days, you may have to fly to Berlin from Paris, the train trip is long and probably including a change of trains in Koln) - Krakow (via Warsaw, take a night train from Berlin to Warsaw, then change trains at Warsaw Central station for Krakow. Warsaw to Krakow is about 3 hours. Stay 2 days there) - Prague (3 days) - Budapest (3 days, night train to Vienna) - Vienna (1 day - can be skipped and go straight to Salzburg, 3 hrs train) - Salzburg (1 day) - Venice (2 days - you need to check trains from Salzburg to Venice coz I'm not sure if there are connections like that. Check the Austrian Rail company OBB for timetables, in German though) - Milan (1 day) - Florence (2 days, even 3's such a lovely place!) - Rome (2 days) So that could work but it would be quite rushed. You'd be taking a lot of night trains and that would give you some time between the morning till evening to do more sight seeing. (That means the '1 day' can be turned into '1.5 days') However, waiting for your night train isn't all too exciting and funny. Better now coz it's almost summer but in winter is a pain to wait in the cold!! Youth hostels would be full at that time of the year because everyone is on holidays. If you can afford it between 2 people, get a motel room with 2 beds - sometimes it works out to be the same as sleeping in a hostel in high season. I'm not sure about the EuroRail pass - it's too restricted for me. I do think, however, the Eastern Europass can be used in Berlin BUT check with travel agencies for this. Good luck and wishing you a safe and fun trip. =) 2007-05-24 23:43:59 補充: Actually if you shorten Prague and Budapest to 2 days each that would give you more time as well. There's lots to see in those cities but you can't see everything of coz. The main attractions can be done in 2 days. 2007-05-25 15:49:47 補充: Ah yes, I was also thinking you can skip Budapest as well - it's a bit out of the way and that's exactly why I didn't go there last time. Next time go to Budapest and Romania and Hungary =)


唔好意思...你介唔介意話俾我知你成個trip大概用0左幾多錢 因為我十二月尾會去...十八日左右...八個cities左右... 所以想預一預個budget 我check過機票八千...Eurail Global Pass390 €... 住就預6000夠唔夠?? 咁食會用幾多?? 同埋museum or other entertainment呢?? 唔該晒!!|||||請恕得罪... 22 天時間想去這麼多地方, 你犯了歐遊的一大忌 -- 貪多... 按照你的行程, 你似去搭車多過旅行... 有否想過巴黎去柏林需要一晚時間, 而其他火車車程, 最少也需要 3 小時, 多則需要 6 - 7 小時... 你每天也花費幾小時搭火車, 只剩下幾小時觀光... 太走馬看花了... 建議你的 22 天分配在巴黎 (3), 柏林 (3), 華沙及克拉科夫 (3), 布拉格 (3), 維也納和薩爾斯堡 (3), 慕尼黑 (3), 這樣已經差不多了... 其他地方, 留待下次吧... 巴黎的 4 間 hostel, 以 Jaures 一間較近市中心, 交通也較方便. 2007-05-23 14:08:16 補充: 如果你必定要回羅馬, 可以這樣巴黎 (3), 柏林 (2), 華沙及克拉科夫 (3), 布拉格 (3), 維也納和薩爾斯堡 (3), 威尼斯 及佛羅倫斯(2), 羅馬 (2) 巴黎去柏林是有夜車的Jules Ferry 是最接近市中心的 hostel... Jaures 只是我打錯了, sorry|||||you should place your question at yahoo "travel", not here. You could find more information about europe travel from discuss broad.6A560DB68EC65D60

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