diminshed 7th , dominant 7th
Can you tell the difference between... Diminished 7th starting on F#, Eb and B Dominant 7th in the key of F#, Eb and B Dominant 7th on Eb and B THZ~~~ 更新: from piano grade 8 Trinity Guildhall examinations 2007 & 2008
Diminished 7th starting on F#: F# A C Eb Diminished 7th starting on Eb (really Eb? or D#?): Eb Gb Bbb Db Diminished 7th starting on B: B D F Ab Dominant 7th in the key of F#: C# E# G# B Dominant 7th in the key of Eb: Bb D F Ab Dominant 7th in the key of B: F# A# C# E Dominant 7th on Eb: Eb G Bb Db Dominant 7th on B : B D# F# A
diminshed 7th , dominant 7th 既分別就係.. 每一調只有一個dominant 7th! dominant 7th 係個個調既 so te re fa 音~ 例子: C major 既 dominant 7th就係 G B D F D major 既 dominant 7th就係 A C# E G diminshed 7th 係每一粒音都相距小三度 (minor 3 rd) (小三度姐係1個tone + 1 semitone) 例子: Diminished 7th beginning on A 就係 A C Eb Gb Diminished 7th beginning on B 就係 B D F Ab 希望可以幫到你 =)6A560DB68EC65D60