How to help a Smoker of 22 quit Smoking?
22.男.吸煙者.他說過: “有一次我離開smokin十日﹐那十日我passed it sad”.With just 22, I think he.s deep into this vicious.It.s bad for him n every1 who surrounds him, he knows it but it.s still ON n I.m afraid I.ve annoyed him.How could I help without annoyin? or also w/he not knowin it? Please don.t send those long reviews/books... 顯示更多 22.男.吸煙者. 他說過: “有一次我離開smokin十日﹐那十日我passed it sad”. With just 22, I think he.s deep into this vicious. It.s bad for him n every1 who surrounds him, he knows it but it.s still ON n I.m afraid I.ve annoyed him. How could I help without annoyin? or also w/he not knowin it? Please don.t send those long reviews/books articles, I wish u could give Real Stories from people who u.ve helped or saw how they.ve quit to dis Bad&Killing Habit. THANKS!
吸煙者無煙食初期係真係會情緒低落, 甚至會有D 燥 tim. 係無左尼古丁既反應黎. 佢一日食幾多? 如果好 heavy 既煙民, 有需要用介煙貼之類既尼古丁補充法幫助下, heavy 既一次過好難介架, 試下叫佢減量 (千祈唔好唔減量又用介煙貼), 儘量令抽煙變得麻煩D, 例如放煙響難拎既地方等, 減量至5,6 枝左右先開始試下全日唔食.
佢有心就一定做,(佢應該係心魔在佢身邊) 如果佢d fri 有食就一齊戒,冇就一齊迫佢戒la kaka^&^6CC7293C79127CE5