我向 forwarder 查詢 到廠提貨之事宜, 他一直跟我說沒有問題 我亦向廠方問及文件,報關是否有問題, 是否貨已準備好, 他一直也跟我說沒有問題 ! 直至 5 時, 我再跟進事宜, 才發現 forwarder 一直未聯絡得到廠方 (他們均有對方的聯絡電話及電郵地址), 但我一直沒有收到任何通知, 所以導致今次收貨時間比原定時間遲
I have checked with the forward about the collection of goods at the warehouse. The person i dealt with said there is no problem. I have also questioned the manufacturere about documentation and customs matters and checked whether the goods are all ready to go. He kept saying that everything is okay. Up until 5pm when i tried to follow up on the issue, i realised that the forwarder has lost contact with the manufacturer (they do have each others contact number and email address) and i have never received any notification. That explains why there was a delay for the delivery.