(急) 中譯英句子
Sorry to inform you that it is not possible to ship the goods as per your requested shipment date, we will discuss with our factory/supplier again and push for the best possible shipment, will keep you posted. 備註: 1) 以一般公文來講係應該以公司身份去出, 故用WE(我們)好過用I(我). 2) 同供應商及工廠相討(DISCUSS)好過詢問(CHECK OR ASK), 因如用詢問會比客人感覺你CONTROL唔到間廠. 3) 用WILL而唔用SHALL表示你一定會盡力去PUSH FOR盡早的貨期, 同埋一有消息會立到通知客人.
You ask the shipment period, I really can not plant, I will as soon as possible and plant suppliers and asked whether I could do the fastest shipment period, you reply as soon as possible.|||||We are really not able to meet your requested delivery date, but we will contact the suppliers as soon as we can, to comprise the earliest delivery date we can meet. I will keep you updated on this.CAAD3F79AE16AF09