我想問如何開通中銀提款卡網上支付功能? 更新: P.S:我急住充steam钱包,求速回 更新 2: 但中銀提款卡有没有網上支付功能 更新 3: http://mobile.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=21467059在哪裹申請的 更新 4: 中銀預付卡有冇visa卡同埋需要多少钱購買: http://www.bochk.com/web/common/multi_section.xml?section=personal&level_2=cards_services&fldr_id=154&lang=tw 更新 5: 中銀預付卡:http://www.boci.com.hk/chi/prepaid/boci_prepaid.html(上面是錯的網址) 更新 6: 同埋中銀預付卡有冇網上支付功能 更新 7: 預付卡並不可用 作提取現金或郵購、電話購物、 網上購物、於飛機艙或郵輪上的簽帳交易、或帳單繳費;亦不可用於 VISA/銀聯免簽結帳服務或賭場內或卡公司不時公佈的其他終端機上 這是什麽回事 更新 8: 什麽時候才能購買中銀預付卡(我15歲) 更新 9: 通濟隆萬事達卡現金通行證什麽時候才能購買 更新 10: 需要多少錢購買通濟隆萬事達卡現金通行證? 更新 11: 通濟隆萬事達卡現金通行證怎樣用? 更新 12: 需不需要理會外幣預訂裏面那個預訂金額和您需要何種貨幣?
Steam does not accept ATM cards. End of story. 2014-08-26 14:18:07 補充: No - unless it has a Visa or MasterCard logo. 2014-08-26 15:21:26 補充: Yes. This will work on Steam. I am not sure about the cost. Usually prepaid card require a small payment to offset the cost. The minimum deposit is $100. It works online like a credit card (the credit limit is the exact prepaid amount you have available). 2014-08-26 16:00:53 補充: The easiest way is go to a branch and ask. 2014-08-26 16:31:21 補充: Anytime as you want to. 2014-08-27 02:21:33 補充: 1. Not sure. 2. Like a credit card. 3. Yes, as that is designed to use in a foreign country.